OT: Any mid-life career changers here?

on 1/7/09 11:12 am - TX
I was in a similar dead end situation but mostly due to living in a small community with little opportunities.  I completed an online medical transcriptionist course and now make more money than a few with 4-year degrees.  And to make it even better, I work from home in my PJs and my employer provides my computer for me!!!

By the way, I'm in my 30s but met many folks in their 40's and 50s that were changing careers.  It's a fun and exciting job!  I only wish I found it years ago!!!  With the day and age of the internet, location really doesn't matter so that made a world of difference for me. 
on 1/7/09 11:45 am - Port Angeles, WA
Hey lyndi_moon, I have thought about a medical transcriptionis course.  Which one did you use?  What is the job market like?
on 1/7/09 2:03 pm
Hello lyndi_moon, I have thought about medical transcriptionist courses as well, but I hear that it is so hard to find a job without experience.  Do you already have a 4 yr degree or is the course all you had to take?  Thanks, Shan
Cindy B.
on 1/7/09 11:14 am - Rosemount , MN
A good buddy of mine hit 40 and realized he hated his job in the corporate world. He attended summer and night school and got certified as a kindergarten teacher, of all things, which he loves. It took him a few years, but will have a good one-two decades in the field which made it well worth his time.

Speaking of getting late starts. . . I met a grandma today that went on her first overseas trip at 65, met a few friends on a guided tour and has made traveling/genealogy her life ever since.

Was it Georgia O' Keefe that started painting in her sunset years?

(deactivated member)
on 1/7/09 11:48 am - San Francisco, CA
Boy, I wish I could paint.  If I could, I'd do the Georgia O'Keefe thing.

As for kindergarten teaching, I don't have the required skills to keep 20 rugrats under control!

Lisa O.
on 1/7/09 11:32 am - Snoqualmie, WA
I'm in a similar situation.  I found out 1 week before my LB surgery that my position is being eliminated and split up amongst 5 people due to workforce consolidation!  I've worked for the same company for 25 years, I'm 46.  I have just a few more weeks before I have to accept the severance package! 
I've never had a resume, I've never really interviewed for a job.  The timing is terrible and I'm stresssssssed!  On top of that, I'm dealing with this without food!  Actually, the weight loss is the one thing really holding me together right now!  I have a DH and loving family, but I try to shelter them see the anxiety I'm experiencing.  Luckily I have a severance package, but finding another job is going to be tough in this economy.  I too am thinking about taking some classes.  I need to up my skill level with computers.
All the best to you Shrinkingguy!  You can do whatever you want.  Knowing what that may be is the first step and it sounds like you have an idea.

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



(deactivated member)
on 1/7/09 12:17 pm - San Francisco, CA
Thank you for your good wishes.  I am so sorry to hear that you, too, are having to face a career restart.

This is the first time since I had surgery that I've been under this much stress.  I never used to believe people when they said stress made their bands tighter, but I do now!  I'm losing weight and barely trying! 

on 1/7/09 11:43 am - Port Angeles, WA
I'm having look for a new career.  My license/education from South Carolina is not accepted here in WA.  I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up (I'm 53).  I have not worked since June.  First time staying at home in 30 years.  I kind of enjoy that but money is a issue. 
on 1/7/09 11:56 am
I took a bad hit in football in grade school, and never got it looked at.  Turns out I have degenerative spinal disease, and the surgeon said I have to give up trucking after 20 years or the fusion will collapse. I started college last year, and will finish associates this december and move on to Northern Illinois University for my Bachelars. My ultimate goal is to work for Haliburton overseas in logistics, or transportation mgmt.  I'm praying 42 years old wont hold to much discrimination for me in the work force, and happy I made the decision to be banded to avoid that other discrimination were all familiar with.

on 1/7/09 11:59 am
I feel if you hae a passion for something you can achieve anything. I know I enjoy school/teachers now where I never did when I was younger. i'm loving every second of my new start with the exception of the required math I'll never use but thats another story all together : )
I hope you go for it.

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